giovedì 11 dicembre 2008


Roberto Paci Dalò

(photos by courtesy of Michele Mari (c))

Brainstorming on multimedia with Roberto Paci Dalò

Roberto Paci Dalò frequentemente realizza opere in più media approfondendo aspetti percettivi diversi dello stesso materiale in relazione al linguaggio e tecnologie utilizzati di volta in volta

That is how the flier advertized and presented Roberto to Salerno audience. Very difficult to present, Roberto as he himself admits, so no more words on who or what he is or has been—we may visit his website.
Presenting what he said is not a minor task. I’ll remind you just some points of his very generous speech. First of all paradoxically he warned against the use and misuse of the monster-word multimedia. Paradoxically because the so called ‘magesterial degree’, the two years of specialization of the DAVIMUS is : ‘Scienze dello spettacolo e della produzione multimediale’ and everybody is looking around to understand what is meant by that definition.
Multimedia- Roberto said, in his perfect Irish accent, is working in more than one sector, in more than one language. It is working and imagining and inventing new professions. It is asking oneself: ‘What shall I do when I become a child?—cosa farò da piccolo’

The creative drive should unite Davimus students and staff . The contemporary dramatist/ planner/ designer is the one who inventively uses new techniques, tactics, strategies in the creative process for the making of infrastructures (servizi, attrezzature), cultural spaces, advanced cultural districts. We need desire and technology, and these are very cheap and very easy to have access to and learn (Roberto is thinking at the project of Punta Corsara in Scampia or the project of the Fondazione Morra in the area of Avvocata in Naples-a project Roberto is working at now.)

We are less and less paper people-persone cartacee.
We need to work in group

Technologies of sound and light

lunedì 24 novembre 2008

venerdì 21 novembre 2008


Sylvia Toone's Workshops

In order to achieve our goals (first year students should interview immigrants and build a story in English; second year students should create a stage and screen adaptation of Macbeth in a Neapolitan setting), the three meetings with Prof Sylvia Toone (The Department Library, Santa Maria dei Barbuti and the University Theatre) have offered first and second year students examples of techniques and craft which help to build trust and memory, improvisational methods - which are supports for the actor’s individual talent.

First day - 14.11.2008 – The Department Library
The body has been at the centre of our exercises and discourses. The focus of concentration have been senses and their memories with consideration of individual responses and reactions.

The eye and simulation of watching a game.
The ear and simulation of hearing.

Group solidarity formation techniques:
Zip zap zoop (receiving and transmitting impulses)

Second day - 15.11.2008 – S. Maria dei Barbuti
(photos by courtesy of Michele Mari (C))

Trust in one’s body and in others.

One in the centre with his/her eyes closed and everyone pushes him again towards the centre

Mirrors in two

Sense of tasting and smelling

Third day - 17.11.2008 - University Theatre
(photos by courtesy of Michele Mari (C))

The third day saw the active and enthusiastic participation of a large number of students. Sylvia usefully repeated that a team meets on the basis of an agreement about a common task. Every exercise has to deal with a p.o.c., point of concentration. Students and teachers have focussed on touch memory. Two teams think about an object or a substance and then individually they perform the manipulation of that object/substance in front of an audience.
Sylvia made everyone concentrate on the body and then the body moving through cold and hot elements.

The second half of the lesson was devoted to the creation of a set up. A couple of actors had to perform, the first a WHERE - a location working with physical objects and the second a WHO - trying to establish a relation. In order to share with the audience the sounds and the pictures the movements on stage may take an upstage curve or a downstage curve

In order for the show to go on the improvising actor does not have to say NO and doesn’t have to ask questions, but the impulse has to be taken and continue with a YES AND…
And also you must remember that everything takes place in the moment.

Sylvia left us with one recommendation:
- everyone has to, for some minutes every day, consciously think what his/her eyes see, ears listen to, tongue, nose throat smell taste and feel, what the body touches and by what is touched…
and the most welcome promise:
...she will come again soon!

mercoledì 19 novembre 2008


Prof. Stuart Marlow from Stuttgart Media University has shown two DVDs as examples of digital story telling (Stage on Screen):

Sacco and Vanzetti and the anti-communist, anti–anarchist, anti-immigrant hysteria in America in the twenties and thirties

Testimonies of immigrants in Germany (German and English)

martedì 11 novembre 2008


Mark Almond, Teaching English witn Drama: